Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

  • Money-Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your PEERLOGIC service for any reason in the first 30 days after your initial sign up, under the condition that you have not used over 50% of the allowed minutes in your metered subscription plan or 500 minutes in an unlimited plan, you did not receive a free device, and you are not subject to a minimum commitment contact, you may cancel and be eligible for a refund of equipment, activation and subscription fees. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Refunds for devices where an RMA was requested within the 30 day period will be made in full if the devices are in “returnable” condition and the device is returned within 7 days of the RMA date. Returnable condition requires the item to be in new condition, in the original packaging and all parts and documentation received. Return shipping is the customer’s responsibility.

Our money-back guarantee does not apply to customers who received a free device, minimum commitment contracts, any charges for international usage, payphone calls to PEERLOGIC toll-free numbers, and directory assistance. Our money-back guarantee also does not apply to any renewals or add-on lines or services added after your initial order. In addition, we may not be able to refund all of the taxes that you paid. PEERLOGIC will use commercially reasonable efforts to refund promptly any charges (less any amounts that you owe to us) to your account following the return of your device. If your device is not returned within 14 days from the RMA date, PEERLOGIC will refund for all eligible charges except for the device charges. Once the device is returned, the device charges will be refunded less any applicable restock fee.

A charge for the retail price of any device will be made to the customer’s account if the device is not returned within 14 days of the RMA date.

WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVOKE THE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE FOR ALL CUSTOMERS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. The 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee does not apply if you are found to be in violation of our terms of service or if you have taken advantage of the guarantee in the past.

  • Termination After 30 Days. Upon termination of service after the initial 30 days, the termination will be effective on the last day of the current billing period in which notice of termination is given (not applicable to minimum commitment contracts). At any time, and for any reason, PEERLOGIC may provide a refund, discount, or other consideration to a PEERLOGIC customer (“Credit”). The amount and form of a Credit, and the decision to provide them, are at PEERLOGIC’s sole and absolute discretion. The provision of a Credit is one instance does not entitle you to a Credit in the future for similar instances, nor does it obligate PEERLOGIC to provide a Credit in the future, under any circumstances. Equipment is not returnable or refundable after the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee period. Non-usage of service does not constitute cancellation of service nor does it extend the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee period.
  • In the event you signed up for a minimum commitment contract, in addition to any disconnect fee, you will be responsible for all charges for the entire minimum commitment period and authorize PEERLOGIC to bill these fees to your payment method (credit card). The 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee does not apply to any executed minimum commitment contract.
  • You may be able to take, or “port,” your current number to another service provider. Once your port is completed through your new service provider, you must email to cancel your PEERLOGIC Service. Until you cancel service with PEERLOGIC, you will remain a PEERLOGIC customer, and you will continue to be responsible for all charges and fees associated with your Service. If you cancel your Service prior to completion of the port, your Service will not work and your number may not be available for porting. Your account must be active and in good standing in order to port out your number.