
How To Create an Auto Attendant

Learn how create, modify, and enable an Auto Attendant! This article walks you through how to create, activate, and link an auto attendant, otherwise known as a phone tree, to your Peerlogic Voice domain!


1. Select the Auto Attendant tab and select create Auto Attendant.

2. Name the Auto Attendant, assign it an extension (we recommend using an 8000 extension for organization purposes), and select “default” for the time frame.

3. Select the pencil to the right of “Menu Prompt” and you will be prompted to either enter your extension to record a message under “Record” or select “Upload” to upload a prerecorded message.

4. Select one of the numbers under “Dial Pad Options” to link a specific number to a specific line (1 routes to Billing user, 2 routes to New patient queue, etc)

5. Select the number and option you would like to route to, enter the extension or phone number you would like to route to.

6. On the bottom select save and your changes will be saved.

7. To activate your Auto Attendant, navigate to “Inventory”.

8. Select the phone number you would like to associate it with and select a time frame from the dropdown menu and select the green plus.

9. To play during business hours, select your business hours time frame and select auto attendant from the drop down options, then enter the specific Auto Attendant extension.

10. Drag all time frames to sit above the default time frame, list them in a cascading order of smallest to largest time frames to ensure they are played in the correct order.

11. Select save in the bottom right corner and the Auto Attendant will become effective.


Q: What is an Auto Attendant?

A: An Auto Attendant is essentially a phone tree that allows callers to select from a number of menu options to route their call.

Q: What is a menu prompt?

A: A menu prompt is the greeting callers will hear when they call in which reads them the menu options available to choose from.

Q: What are menu options?

A: Menu options are the numbers assigned to specific routing options, ie which number to select for which option.

Q: What is my inventory and why do I have to link it?

A: Your inventory is where your phone numbers live, by selecting a phone number and linking an Auto Attendant to a specific time frame in the inventory, you are essentially assigning a number and time for the Auto Attendant to go into effect.