
How To Change A Voicemail Greeting

Learn how to change and upload new voicemail greetings! This article provides a guide on how to select, modify, and add new voicemail greetings on the Peerlogic Voice domain!


1. Navigate to the “Users” tab in the Peerlogic Voice Domain.

2. Ensure the “Hide System Users” in the bottom right corner is unchecked.

3. Select 4001/Main Queue for business hours or 4002/After Hours for after hours.

4. Navigate to the “Voicemail” tab and scroll down to “Voicemail Greeting”.

5. Select “Manage” from the third button to the right of the “Greetings” drop down menu.

6. Select either “Upload” or “Record” to upload a message or record one directly from your phone.


Q: Where do I upload the voicemail greeting I want to play for Business Hours?

A: Under the Main Queue/4001 call queue under users.

Q: Where do I upload my After Hours voicemail greeting?

A: Under the After Hours Queue/4002 call queue under users.

Q: Do I need to pre-record my message?

A: You have the option to record your message live and directly into your phone, or to upload a pre-recorded message.