
Why Are My Calls Being Labelled As Spam?

Why Is My Number Marked As Spam?

To combat the rise of robocalling, the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act was passed. This act requires phone companies to implement call authentication technology, which helps verify that the calls people receive are actually coming from the numbers they claim to be from. Unfortunately, this has caused some legitimate business numbers to be flagged due to repeated calling being one of the symptoms defined in spam calls.

How Can I Remove the “Spam” Label?

To begin the process of having “Spam” removed from your number, first begin by registering your number at 

If this does not work, you can try to have the “Spam” label removed by the end carriers themselves.

For end-carriers:



What You’ll Be Asked To Provide

  • List of company numbers
  • Categories calling
    • Healthcare, Political, Survey
  • Contact Name
  • Company Phone
  • Email
  • Calling Company Name
    • Name of practice reporting
  • Calling Company Address
    • Address of practice experiencing “Spam” labelling
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Calling Company URL
    • Practice or Company Website
  • Service Provider(s)
    • Peerlogic
  • Calls per Month
  • Information or examples of calls being labeled as spam

Further Support:

Submitting the number for the removal of the spam label is not guaranteed. It may also take some carriers longer than others to recognize the “Spam” removal once it becomes effective. Please keep this in mind throughout the process.

If you or your practice are in need of further assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with support directly after submitting the number for “Spam” removal.